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Mizer came out to his mother in the thirties, when he was a teen-ager, refusing to ask a date to the prom and taking up nude sunbathing on the garage roof. Mizer flatters you with an invitation to his downtown studio-the parlor of the Victorian house he shares with his mother.

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Also on the scene: Bob Mizer, a wavy-haired, gentle-eyed, self-trained photographer of twenty-four, and the recent founder of the Athletic Model Guild, which sells photos of buff men to discerning customers. “The Pacific Coast Hercules,” and Joe Gold, the future founder of Gold’s Gym.

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For now, there’s Muscle Beach, by the Santa Monica pier, where you lift rusty dumbbells with bikini-clad men like Malcolm Brenner, a.k.a. You just want to be admired, hopefully on the big screen.

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You’re a young guy, good-looking, roaming Los Angeles with one thing on the brain-no, not that thing.

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